Speaker: Josh Nicholson

Ep. 1 Directors & the Auteur Theory

EPISODE 1 – In the debut episode, Lonz, Josh, and Lonz’s life-long friend Evan tackle the role of the director, as well as the power that a director holds over the creation and overall vision of the film. Below, we list our articles and online content related to the topics discussed, as well as a…

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Drunk Movie Rants
Drunk Movie Rants
Ep. 1 Directors & the Auteur Theory

Ep. 0 Plot Twists & Spoiler Immunities

EPISODE 0 – In this preview episode for the upcoming podcast, host Lonz and his Army buddy Josh discuss plot twists and genre-switches in films, as well as the ability to be “spoiler-immune” when it comes to discovering the endings and twists of popular movies.  **Music “Lovely” – Produced by Erik Godlow** ——————- Hey everyone,…

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Drunk Movie Rants
Drunk Movie Rants
Ep. 0 Plot Twists & Spoiler Immunities